Overused Words


    On the curriculum vitae

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How to add custom overused word/words to the list?
      1. Go to 'Words' section.
      2. In box, type word/words of your choosing, using comma or whitespace as separator.
      3. Click on 'ADD WORDS' button.
      4. You can find custom word/words can be found now on overused words list.
      How to add predefined overused words?
      1. In the "Words" section, under the area for entering custom overused words you can find predefined words.
      2. To add word to the overused words list click on '+' button.
      How to highlight overused and repeated words?
      On the list of repeated or overused words, click on the word. The selection will be visible on the list and in the text area.
      How to delete overused words?
      Each custom or predefined overused word have a - character on right side of the overused word list. Click on it, to delete a word.

      Words: 0

      Sentences: 0

      Characters: 0

      Repeated Words

      Overused Words